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Did you wake up one day and wonder how you got HERE?
I offer you the opportunity to explore YOU. I offer you a safe place to step into the work of discovering
yourself again. I offer you my services that will nurture your spirit, help you overcome personal challenges,
and make decisions from a place of self awareness. I offer you the space to get in touch with who you
want to be and how you want to show up in this life~ in every aspect of your existence.

Image by Benjamin Manley
Woman Alone in Forest
Sunset in the Forest

High Conflict Divorce Coaching

“Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another.”~Toni Morrison

Do you feel like you don't know what steps to take next? Are you feeling lost, lonely, and beaten down? Together, we will explore what you want next out of life, how to move towards it, and how to feel good about yourself every step of the way.

Sober Coaching
& Recovery Coaching

"Acceptance is the answer..." 

I am a firm believer that by finding acceptance, your life will change. We start this journey by accepting the idea that there can be a different way. If you are ready to look at your relationship with substances or alcohol, how it fits into your life, & ways in which your use affects you & others ~ I invite you to reach out~ your life is waiting.


"Show up. Be firm. Love much..." –Rachel Marie Martin

Instead of dwelling on the problem, I help families to begin working on the solution. Using the "Love First" intervention approach, we will employ a specific and organized approach, utilizing love and concern to overcome denial and support our loved ones in obtaining the help they need.

*for questions about Intervention, please contact me directly with the button below

Resolve LLC 

PLEASE NOTE: I am not an attorney nor am I qualified to give legal advice.

If you are in need of those services, I have many wonderful attorneys to refer you to.


“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”


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