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While trying to find my way as a young adult, I, like so many, experimented with alcohol and substances. This eventually lead to more than my share of tumultuous relationships, poor decisions, and an emptiness in knowing who I was. This eventually landed me in Boulder, Colorado putting me far from some of my destructive influences — and the perfect place to start a new life. Unfortunately, that new life lead me into a high conflict relationship that lead me to a high conflict divorce and parenting situation. The ending of this high conflict relationship lead me to long term recovery and living a fulfilling life one day at a time. ​30+ years of my life I have been in this line of work. I have spent time with clients in residential treatment, transitional living programs, owning a mentoring program for adolescents & young adults, and private practice with adult substance users and those experiencing high conflict transitions or high conflict parenting situations. ​I hold a Masters degree in Counseling from Adams State University, I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, a Licensed Addiction Counselor, and a Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach. Balancing work and fun is an important part of health and happiness so I try to find that balance in everything I do. I find that exercise and meditation keep me balanced and clear headed while my 4 teenagers keep me on my toes. I spend time in the mountains on the trails and travel with my husband at every opportunity.



In 1994, I fell into a job in mental health working in residential treatment with abused children and adolescents. I knew then that helping people discover who they are or who they could be would be my life long journey. I have walked many paths on this journey including milieu staff, therapeutic mentor, program director, and program business owner. When I think back over my career, one of the most important aspect of these positions was the relationships I had with my clients and my employees~ working to understand who they are and who we are in relation to each other. The relationship between us was the most important part of the work we did. The relationship I will have with you will be the most important part of the work we do. I know first hand what it feels like to be manipulated, confused, misunderstood, and like no one understands what you are going through. NO ONE understand unless they have been there themselves. Allow me to walk with you on this journey....I understand, I have been where you are. I will be your guide, consultant, strategy partner, and coach.   I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Addictions Counselor, Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach, * Arise Interventionist. On this journey, I will guide you, consult with you on what steps to take next, and work with you to develop strategies so you can live the life that you deserve.

Resolve LLC 

PLEASE NOTE: I am not an attorney nor am I qualified to give legal advice.

If you are in need of those services, I have many wonderful attorneys to refer you to.


“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”


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